Sunday, February 28, 2016

my favorite authors

I LOVE reading. Without books...there would be nothing to do before going to bed, or while eating a couple (hundred) chocolate chips, just would be pretty lousy. 

I've mentioned a few of my favorite books/series, but I haven't suggested any authors, so - here goes.

#1: Charles Dickens

He is my all-time favorite author. Why? Great Expectations. A Tale of Two Cities. Little Dorrit. Nicholas Nickleby. A Christmas Carol. Oliver Twist. The Pickwick Papers. (Great Expectations is AWESOME, I would TOTALLY recommend listening to it on tape.) If you read about his life, by the way, you may realize that many characters in his books are created from actual people and actual experiences, like Fanny from Little Dorrit!

#2: Jane Austen

Yeah, we all knew she would pop up sometime. My favorite book of hers is Sense and Sensibility, but I always have enjoyed reading Emma, Persuasion, Pride and Prejudice, and Mansfield Park. (I started reading Northanger Abbey but got tired for the story to move along, sooooo...) It is interesting, by the way, that Jane Austen tended to write about lives of wealthier people, and mixed in the lives of poorer people, whereas Charles Dickens often wrote about a person in a financial strait who usually rises (Little Dorrit, Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, etc.)

#3: Lemony Snicket

At this point you probably wonder WHAT IN THE WORLD I'm thinking. Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Lemony Snicket? However, I absolutely LOVE his style of writing! He really captures the action of the moment, doesn't slow things down with details (cough, cough, Charles Dickens, cough, cough, Jane Austen) and paints a picture in your mind of the scene. I love a Series of Unfortunate Events and All the Wrong Questions (both series)

Lemony Snicket is a pseudonym, the author's real name being Daniel Handler. He decided to use the name of the narrator as a pen name (hence the name Lemony Snicket). If you read the Series of Unfortunate Events, you will see what I mean when I list him as Author Number Three!

#4: C.S. Lewis

This amazing author has written a variety of books, from the realm of theology to the realm of fantasy, the most famous being the Chronicles of Narnia and the Screwtape Letters. However, I must address a book that very well could have made C.S. Lewis jump from Author Number Four to Author Number One:
Till We Have Faces
This is the most AMAZING book ever, based of off the famous myth about Cupid and Psyche, narrated by Psyche's sister. It is a total MUST-READ! If you don't go home and order this book from the library immediately after reading this post, I WILL KNOW! 

Hope ya'll liked this post. Read Till We Have Faces. Love reading.

