To complete a running stitch, enter the fabric as shown above, and exit about a quarter inch away.
This is how the end result should look like:
Now, we will begin to lace it. Choose the second floss, thread and knot it, and enter right next to the first running stitch, like so:
(I started on the wrong side since I accidentally flipped it over, but it is normally easier to start on from the left to the right.) Anyway, go through the first stitch, but do not reenter the fabric.
Enter the second stitch on the opposite side.
Continue until you reach the end. Reenter the fabric and knot it like this:
Thread and knot your next floss. Begin on the opposite side of the running stitch this time:
Enter the first stitch.
When you have reached the opposite end, exit right next to the corresponding stitch:
Your finished laced running stitch should look like this:
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