Friday, November 20, 2015

The Back Stitch/Pekinese Stitch

The back stitch is an EXTREMELY commonly used stitch. It is perfect for letters, borders, anything! The back stitch also creates a thin line great for details. The Pekinese stitch is a back stitch with a supplement.

To begin the back stitch, make a stitch about 1/4 inch long (sorry about the shadows - the lighting was pretty terrible).

Enter 1/4 inches away from the end of the first stitch.

Exit at the end of the previous stitch.

Reenter at the end of the last stitch, and redo the last four steps.

This is the completed back stitch.

Now for the Pekinese Stitch - a surface stitch.

First, enter either right under or right over the first back stitch.

Slide under the second stitch and tighten ever so slightly.

Enter from the top through the first stitch, under the floss, and tighten slightly.

Next, slide the needle under the third stitch. 

Enter through the second stitch, to the right of the last loop and under the floss. Continue doing this until your line is finished!

(I will upload the picture of the completed project later.)


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