I'll give you a sample:
1 hot dog
1 egg
2 lamb chops
1 olive oil spray can!
1 mayonnaise jar
1 yam
1 nutmeg packet
1 applesauce container
1 macaroni box
1 eggplant
1 ice cream cone
1 soup can
1 apple juice
1 vegetable
1 apple
1 marshmallow (I know, who buys ONE marshmallow?!)
1 angel food cake
1 egg nog jug!
Do you know what it says?
Hello! My name is Avamae!
Each line represents at least one letter. (In this case, all but one.) If it starts with the number 1, then it is only one letter. If it starts with the number 2, then it is two letter, etc.
The actual list is pretty to understand, so you can modify it by switching the spaces, or reversing the letters, or even putting down the word with the letter before the actual letter...(Don't feel bad if you didn't understand that last bit. I barely did myself.)
Maybe this post will benefit some way...
Until next time!
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