Saturday, September 12, 2015

Chain Stitch

The chain stitch is a variation of the blanket stitch, used as a border or even for filling.

First, make one line across your material with your fabric pencil. If you are a beginner, make two lines really close together.

Enter through the line with your threaded needle and pull through.

Exit right next to where you just entered, but do not pull through.

Reenter 1/2 cm to 1/4 inch away from your starting point, but still do not fully pull through.

OK, this gets kind of confusing, but stay with me! Reenter just like you did on the last loop - right next to where you entered, but do not pull through. Pinch the loop you just made and pull so the previous loop is taut.

Reenter 1/2 cm to 1/4 inch away from the first loop, exit a small space away, and pull the loop to tighten the last one.

Create and tighten these loops until you reach the end. Then, when you enter, do not exit and make another loop.

Make one more stitch on the other side of the loop to lock it in place.

Here is a picture of the finished chain stitch:


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